Gugu Guru

Gugu Guru

Gugu Guru included Covered Goods® in their "Shout Outs to the Originals" round up. From the post: "Today we want to give recognition to some of the originals out there.  Baby brand originals we mean. Like any other major industry, the baby industry has its fair share of knock-offs. Knock-offs can come from all different sources – sometimes they come from overseas, sometimes they come from industry giants who swipe and tweak a concept from a smaller brand or shop, and many times – believe it or not – small brands steal ideas from other small brands. While it seems almost impossible to squash this kind of idea theft in most instances, Gugu Guru did want to do our part to give a shout-out to some of our favorite innovators and originals today with the hopes that maybe you’ll consider supporting some of these brands when you shop in the future." See the full post here.

Covered Goods
Covered Goods


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